Other HW-045

Other HW-045


Other HW-045 is a  DC-DC Boost Module and is an excellent way to quickly increase a given voltage, but compared with the input current.

The DC-DC boost module is used to replace the original components when an unrepairable failure occurs in the boost circuit of the hash board.

The module has an MT3608 2 Amp boost (boost) converter, which can lower the input voltage to 2V and boost the output voltage to as high as 28V. MT3608 has the function of automatically switching to pulse frequency modulation mode when the load is light. It includes under-voltage lockout, current limit and thermal overload protection. The module has a multi-turn fine-tuning potentiometer (potentiometer), which can adjust the output voltage. Since the trim pot has a 25-turn adjustment, you can easily adjust the module’s output to the voltage you need.

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